Wall Splitter
Probst Wall Splitter In Action

Wall Splitter

SKU: 51200061
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Designed to split concrete products only (not for natural stone) For natural stone see StoneSPLITTER, Electric/Hydraulic SPLITTER and MegaSPLITTER

WallSPLITTER Features:

  • Provides same look & texture as split faced block when making corner units
  • Large two sided loading table
  • One side solid mounted for perfect 90º splits
  • Tiltable to enable undercuts or double angle cuts
  • Can also be used for pavers
  • Perfect alternative to saw cutting
  • Floating upper blades ensure uniform contact for clean, crisp splits
  • Four-sided blades enable rotating to a fresh blade when blade becomes dull

WARNING - When Splitting wall blocks do not align blade with the block groove, this may break the table of a Splitter. Not recommended or warranted for use on natural stone.

The Probst wall splitter is a tool that is used to split concrete into two separate sections. This can be useful for a variety of reasons, such as creating an opening for a doorway or window or dividing a large room into two smaller spaces. One of the key benefits of using a wall splitter is that it allows you to make changes to the layout of a room or building without having to completely tear down and rebuild the wall. This can save a significant amount of time and money, as well as minimize the disruption to your home or business. When using a wall splitter, it is important to follow all safety precautions and guidelines provided by the manufacturer. This may include wearing protective gear, such as goggles and earplugs, and following proper procedures for setting up and operating the tool.


  • Part Number: 51200061
  • Weight: 145 lbs. (66 kg)
  • Cutting Length: 17" (430 mm)
  • Cutting Height: 3/8" to 12" (10-300 mm)

Designed to split concrete products only (not for natural stone)